Lectures & Workshops
Handouts to Lectures & Workshops
Business & Finance
4-6-Breathing Technique
- Gary Bruno Schmid: "Optimale Atmung für die Entspannung: Die 4- bis 6 Atemtechnik." Schweiz Z Ganzheitsmed 2011;23:84–86
- 4-6-Breathing Spiral: Breathe in/out while spiral enlarges/vanishes (ppt no sound)
- 4-6-Breathing Spiral: Breathe in/out while spiral enlarges/vanishes (ppt metronome)
- 4-6-Breathing Voice Recording (with short German introduction)
- Hazy Dot Trance Induction
- Chartres "Magic Eye" Meditation Picture
- Magic Eye Meditation Hemispheric Optical Paths with Normal Viewing
- Magic Eye Meditation Hemispheric Optical Paths with Eyes crossed***
- Magic Eye Meditation Hemispheric Optical Paths with Eyes focused at Infinity
Psychosis Research
Questionnaires / Standard Forms
- The Meaning of Life - Der Sinn des Lebens
- You can't start the next chapter ...
- How do I know what I think, until I...
- I can do what I want when I have to ...
- I would if I could ...
- Truth (Mark Twain)
- Mental Health
Six Dramaturgical Elements (SDE) Method
- SDE-Diamond for Empowerment (German)
- SDE-Diamond for Health (German)
- SDE-Diamond for the Self-Healing Story (German)
- SDE-Diamond in Emergency (German)
Unpublished Essays etc.
Here are a few essays etc. which I have not yet taken the time to get published. If you are an editor and would like to publish the one or the other of these manuscripts, please feel free to request permission by email.
- Genetically Modified Theology (German text)
- The Sono Fabiç Method of Mind Manipulation
- A Disembodied Love Story / EIne entkörperte Liebesgeschichte (German text)
Workshop Documentation
- SMSH G3/G4 07./08. September 2012
- SMSH G1/G2 04./05. April 2012
von Aussen nach Innen 1
von Aussen nach Innen 2
Induktion Zusammenfassung